[Web4lib] wifi support fo cell phones

Alma Garcia almag at mills.edu
Thu Apr 9 12:09:54 EDT 2009

Just looking at what other sites might have in place for this type of service.

Many newer cell phone have the ability to use WiFi connections.  Have any sites developed policies around this?  Do you allow anyone on, or is it restricted to staff/faculty.  We currently use Bluesocket to require users to authenticate from their laptops, if you have some type of authentication, like this, how do you allow users on your WiFi connection from cell phones?

Or, do you just not allow it.

Alma GarcĂ­a                     Library Systems Administrator
Mills College Library           510-430-2021
5000 MacArthur Blvd.            510-430-3155 fax
Oakland, CA  94613

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