[Web4lib] Reminder: Chicagoland Drupal Library BoF - Fri. 10/24, 2pm

Leo Robert Klein leo at leoklein.com
Tue Oct 21 13:44:26 EDT 2008

Hi All,

Just a final reminder that we're having a Drupal Library BoF for the 
Chicagoland area on Friday (10/24, 2pm) at UIC's Innovation Center (1240 
W. Harrison - near Racine).

The goals of the Library BoF (besides getting together) are:
* Showcase library-related Drupal projects in the Chicagoland area.
* Talk about future plans and aspirations, field questions and compare 

So whether you've done a project or would like to do a project, this 
event is for you. We had a great time doing this in Anaheim for ALA and 
it's good to organize something similar for the home team.

Drupal Library BoF Link:

The Drupal Library BoF is part of the larger Chicago Drupal Camp taking 
place at UIC on Friday & Saturday, Oct. 24 & 25.

Chicago Drupal Camp:

Session Wiki:


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www.leoklein.com (site)
www.ChicagoLibrarian.com (blog)

aim/msn/yhoo/goog: 'leorobertklein'
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