[Web4lib] privacy booths

Robin robin at stcharleslibrary.org
Mon Oct 20 10:29:47 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,


Like most libraries, we have a space crunch and no funding for
expansion. However we do have a small space that is under-used, which we
would like to make more attractive to our patrons. 


It's called the Carnegie Business Room (it's actually part of the
original Carnegie Library, dating back to about 1908), and it's focused
on resources for our local business community. We have wi-fi access and
a ton (probably literally!) of print resources, in addition to the
subscription databases we offer. However, for whatever reason, there are
seldom more than 1 or 2 people in there at any given time, in a room
which could easily accommodate 15 - 18 at once.


My latest idea to encourage more people into that room and out of the
main library is to offer something the main  library doesn't: a modicum
of privacy. I'm thinking in terms of a couple of (relatively)
sound-proof booths, wherein people could make business calls with less
likelihood of being overheard, and/or some form of teleconferencing
capacity, to enable telecommuting if anyone wants it (I'm think
especially in the coming winter months, when weather might make that an
attractive option for some.


If anyone has implemented something like this, I'd be grateful for any
information, no matter how anecdotal. If you have not, but have an
opinion about services/equipment/software to offer to bolster such an
effort, those would be welcome also.


Please excuse cross-posting - I'm trying to reach the broadest possible


Thanks for your time and patience!



Robin Boulton  
IT Manager
St. Charles Public Library District
St. Charles, IL 60174
(630) 584 0076 x 258  
Cell:(630) 918 8738 
rboulton at stcharleslibrary.org 


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