[Web4lib] Re: Libraries and Open Everything or Free Culture

Leo Robert Klein leo at leoklein.com
Fri Oct 17 11:25:59 EDT 2008

Alnisa Allgood wrote:

> In this regard, are the issues facing libraries different enough from
> those facing the general realm of education, so that they should be a
> separate target, or is inviting one library representative out of 3
> seats for education, sufficient?


I think the perspective is very different.  I think a lot of us would 
look at this from the standpoint of access to content and the more the 

This in fact is a traditional library preoccupation that probably goes 
back to the dawn of time, now updated for the digital era.

For that reason, you'd probably find librarians more exorcised over 
copyright issues, collection development issues, preservation issues, 
accessibility issues -- and a whole number of other things that go 
beyond supporting education (though naturally that's an important aspect 
as well).

I'm not sure if that would warrant a separate group but it definitely is 
a rather unique perspective.


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