[Web4lib] CUIL doesn't seem very COOL

Peter MacDonald pmacdona at hamilton.edu
Mon Jul 28 13:55:43 EDT 2008

I searched for my name on www.cuil.com too and found a biography with my 
picture attached to it, but the biography has nothing to do with me 
except for the name. It's about someone else with my name.

I wonder how these biographies get written?

Peter MacDonald

Dan Lester wrote:
>  http://www.reportonbusiness.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080727.wcuil0728/BNStory/Business/?cid=al_gam_nletter_dtechal
>  Has anyone else played with www.cuil.com?   (pronounced like cool)
>  Supposedly more pages indexed, better, etc.  Doing a little vanity
>  searching, I searched
>  dan lester boise
>  and found lots of stuff....well, some....almost all of it from old
>  newsgroup postings from 93 and 94.  Well, I guess that's a rich
>  source of fodder to build stuff up, but hardly exciting or
>  convincing.
>  searching for
>  barack obama
>  produced    "We didn’t find any results for “barack obama”"
>  but searching obama as a single word did.
>  For my entries there were a bunch of images, all completely
>  irrelevant and nothing that was on any of my pages, or places where I
>  was mentioned.
>  Obama's images were, for the most part, relevant.
>  Comments, thoughts, experiences?
>  dan

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