[Web4lib] Build the Open Shelves Classification

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Wed Jul 16 17:45:25 EDT 2008

Yes indeed.  Ranganathan and others were right in that.

For those who graduated from library school in this century, did you
learn of Ranganathan and his Five Laws (or even hear of him at all) in
either Cataloging or Advanced Cataloging (or whatever the somewhat
similar courses are called these days in your library/information

Just curious, not judgmental.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 3:35:46 PM, you wrote:

> A good example of why, for an online browsing display, a faceted 
> classification scheme finally comes into its own -- so that, with a 
> click or two, you could rearrange the collection to show the book under
> either chicken recipes broken down by cooking method, or fried-food 
> recipes broken down by type of food. Not perfect, and not necessarily 
> easy to do, granted, but  a step up from the limitations of physical 
> collections.

The road goes on forever and the party never ends. REK, Jr. 
Dan Lester, Boise, ID  

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