[Web4lib] How do I create a semantic web site?

Alnisa Allgood alnisa at nonprofit-tech.org
Wed Jan 9 13:35:16 EST 2008

Actually the semantic web is a thing of the future, while there is a bunch
of theory, ideas, and even some sample applications, I don't believe there
are any robust or basic readers or content generators for it (besides
Obviously, XML, RDF, and OWL hold some of the components, but they aren't
full solutions as of yet; and they probably won't move one away from mark-up
language, but use existing or generate new mark-up—after all,
the semantic web is really data about data, which at the most basic level
means classification.

WHile they are not the definitive source on the semantic web, they
are readable by the average person, so give Read/Write Web a look,
especially these articles:

• http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/semantic_web_road.phphttp://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/semantic_web_difficulties_with_classic_approach.phphttp://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_top-down_semantic_web.php

That said, some of the components that could be easily moved fro theory to
practice are available for use, such as microformats :

And of course, even maximizing HTML/XHTML to its full extent can be
helpful—adding definitions, links, alt tags, using proper structural
mark-up, etc.—all adds meta-data or data about data to encourage both human
and machine connections and relationships for the data provided; for those
not mathematically inclined.


On 1/9/08, jfitzgibbon at galwaylibrary.ie <jfitzgibbon at galwaylibrary.ie>
> Hi,
> How do I create a semantic web site?
> I know I have to use either RDF or OWL but do I use either of these to
> create a mark up language which I then use to create the web site or, with
> the semantic web do we move away from mark up languages altogether?
> Am I right in thinking that OWL and RDF do not contain any information on
> how the document is to be displayed or presented? They do not seem to
> allow for style sheets.
> Is the creation of a semantic web site completely different from anything
> that has gone before and I am stuck in an old way of looking at the
> problem? Are mark up languages a thing of the past as far as the Web is
> concerned?
> Any clarification would be much appreciated.
> Regards
> John
> John Fitzgibbon
> p: 00 353 91 562471
> f: 00 353 91 565039
> w: http://www.galwaylibrary.ie
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