[Web4lib] Google Custom Search Engine finder - other ideas?

John Kupersmith jkup at jkup.net
Fri Feb 15 17:00:12 EST 2008

The UC Berkeley library
website recently introduced a Google Custom Search engine finder.
Actually, this is in two parts: a webform that finds CSE's hosted by
Google, and three links to
CSE directories (thanks to Joe Barker for these and for the inspiration).
< http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/find/types/websites.html >
   scroll down to "New Approaches to Web Searching"

Any other ideas or tools for locating relevant Google CSE's would be welcome.

   John Kupersmith
   Reference Librarian, Doe/Moffitt Libraries
   University of California, Berkeley
   jkup at jkup.net

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