[Web4lib] Re: Google Search Appliance and OPACs

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Thu Feb 7 13:27:38 EST 2008

Roy Tennant wrote:
> ...you would get swamped with individual catalog records from
> libraries that usually were some distance from you. What good was that? 

IMO (and something we've implemented to a teensy extent), the solution 
is to point the crawlers to pages that are smart enough to tell the 
appropriate users:

   - you're from here, let's connect you to our record

   - you're from [institution X, discovered thanks to the
     Worldcat registry] - here's a link to your library's
     resolver (and also to our remote login link, just in case)

   - you're from somewhere else - here's a link to this
     record in Worldcat, where you can track down local copies

But we've been cautioned that Google has a strange hard-wired limit to 
the number of URLs per server it can index - does anyone know how big 
your catalog can get before it maxes Google out?

Thomas Dowling
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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