[Web4lib] RE: Web technologies and public access

Stevens, Julieanne H. jhsteven at law.stetson.edu
Tue Feb 5 15:13:12 EST 2008

I don't think anyone's mentioned this ?,  but our users generally rate
content by appearance.  They're simply not going to value the
information on a "plain" page without any bells and whistles, regardless
of the content. The page has to "look" like pages they're used to.

That said, I hate flash because you can't cut and paste it. We did a
recent survey of design companies and about half of them used flash.
Their pages looked real flashy, but I couldn't even cut and paste their
addresses into my report, which made more work than it was worth. 


Julieanne Hartman Stevens
Reference and  Electronic Resources Librarian
Stetson University College of Law
Law Library
1401 61st Street South
Gulfport, Florida 33707
Internal extension: 7304
jhsteven at law.stetson.edu
"Most people don't realize how important librarians are. I ran across a
book recently which suggested that the peace and prosperity of a culture
was solely related to how many librarians it contained. Possibly a
slight overstatement. But a culture that doesn't value its librarians
doesn't value ideas and without ideas, well, where are we?" Neil Gaiman

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