[Web4lib] Germs and public keyboards

Enrique Rivero ERIVERO at mx.tol.lib.ca.us
Tue Dec 2 11:53:32 EST 2008

Consider arranging for flu shots and educating staff about not touching or rubbing their eyes with germy hands.

Enrique Rivero

>>> Judy McBrian <jbrian at boonvillelib.net> 12/2/2008 8:12 AM >>>
In the grand scheme of things related to libraries, this is not a big 
deal, but if you're the one sneezing....

It's that time of year when everyone is sniffling, coughing. etc.
Director is concerned mainly about staff going to pc's to help patrons 
with issues on the computer.
Many of our patrons are teens, and many are not to careful about 
When staff touch an "infected" key board, then because they are busy, 
for get to use
hand sanitize, they catch whatever.
Does anyone use anything to help this situation.  The grocery has wipes 
for cart handles, but wiping a
keyboard that's in use can get pretty funky.  
I've heard of germ killing lights???
Sprays that work, don't gunk up the keyboard, and can actually be 
inhaled by a
living organism???

Any input appreciated.  

Judy McBrian
Boonville Warrick Public Library

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