[Web4lib] Degradation of PDF quality by Adobe 8 OCR

Alan Cockerill alan.cockerill at jcu.edu.au
Wed Apr 16 20:11:03 EDT 2008

We've recently upgraded to Adobe Professional 8 to convert our e-reserves
and we are seeing a significant degradation in the quality of the fonts
after the OCR process (this seems counter-intuitive to me). 


I've found only a few mentions of this issue, and no solutions.  Has anyone
already slain this beast? Or suggestion of where I might look for a knight
with a big sword.


Help with either my problems (searchable PDFs or predilection for
ill-thought-out extended metaphors) most appreciated. 


Thanks, Alan.

Alan Cockerill
Library Technologies Coordinator
James Cook University, Cairns 

PO Box 6811
Phone: (07) 4042 1737
Fax: (07) 4042 1516
Email: Alan.Cockerill at jcu.edu.au

CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J (QLD) 


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