[Web4lib] Recommended Setup for Public Meeting Room and A/V + PC

Thomas Bennett bennetttm at appstate.edu
Wed Apr 9 10:43:41 EDT 2008

We basically have two different system setups, one for a lecture hall and one 
for a meeting room.  Although our group studies also have projectors 
connected to a local PC not allowing for other connections.

The lecture hall scenario sounds more like what you are looking for as a 
solution.  We have a rack that houses an amplifier and wireless mike 
receivers for the sound system.  Also in the rack is a VCR and DVD player.  
The podium, basically a double door cabinet with a counter top, has a 
dedicated PC and monitor.  On top of the podium built into the counter top is 
the controller that allows one to select the input device (PC, DVD, VCR, or 
user's laptop) for the projector which defaults to the PC in the cabinet.  
Also built in the top  of the counter is the VGA connector for a laptop, 
ethernet and power outlets.  One of the buttons on the controller can turn on 
the projector and drop the screen.  

The meeting room, in a cabinet in the back corner of the room, has a PC, Sound 
system, wireless mike receivers, and a DVD player.  The PC is equipped with a 
wireless mouse and keyboard.  The wireless mouse is a 3d mouse meaning that 
you don't have to use it on a surface of any kind, hold the button and move 
the mouse like you might a laser pointer.  There is a long cable to allow 
laptops to connect but this does not include sound, usually if needed we just 
plug bigger PC speakers into the laptop.

Also we purchased a Plextor PX-PA15AW Wireless Projector Adapter but found 
that it will not work in our building because of conflicts in our campus 
wiresless system.  I have been told that it has drivers for Windows, Mac, and 
Linux that would have to be installed on the PC that uses this.

I forget the name of our installer but will try to get that for you.


On Wednesday 09 April 2008 09:22, Pruntel,Alison wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please excuse any duplication - I'm posting this to several lists.
> We are working with our architects on a new branch library. The branch
> will include a public meeting room where we hope to put in a ceiling
> mounted projector. Ideally, people could bring in their own laptop and
> interact with the projector, do presentations, etc. Our architect asked
> us how we wanted this wired, did we want to have a laptop basically
> bolted down to the podium and require presenters to use a USB drive to
> bring up their materials (their recommendation - said most libraries did
> it this way). That sounds insane to me - I would expect people to bring
> their own laptops and assume the projector would be configured to easily
> work with any PC. Am I asking for something that's not possible? Can any
> of you share how your meeting room is set up for multimedia with a
> mounted projector (we don't want to deal with portable) and how it's set
> to work with various devices (PC, VCR, etc.)? I have no background in
> A/V, but because I deal with the ILS and the PCs, it is assumed I will
> figure this out.  :-)
> Note - the library will be wired for wireless Internet access.
> Regards,
> Alison Pruntel
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> Fauquier County Public Library
> 11 Winchester Street
> Warrenton, VA 20186
> 540-349-2770 (voice)
> 540-349-3278 (fax)
> http://library.fauquiercounty.gov
> http://fcpleresources.blogspot.com/
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Thomas McMillan Grant Bennett		Appalachian State University
Operations & Systems Analyst		P O Box 32026
University Library			Boone, North Carolina 28608
(828) 262 6587

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in MS Word format.  They surf the Web, check e-mail, do instant 
messsaging, view YouTube videos, visit their Facebook pages, learn 
touch-typing skills and lots more.  Our public library has been 
offering these Linux public stations for the past three years."
 - Phil Shapiro Linux Journal January 2008

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