[Web4lib] EIU Certificate Problems anyone?

Rick Mason rcmason at rsproductions.net
Fri Sep 21 12:58:28 EDT 2007

Hi Karen,

This is simply a suggestion for something to try, but does placing the url of the web site in the "Trusted Sites" zone solve the problem?  

"Tools" menu, "Internet Options", "Security" tab, "Trusted Sites" zone (with a green checkmark), and click the "Sites" button.

If this works, you would have to do this on each computer, but it could be a way to open that particular site without lowering the protection against other sites.

Hope this helps!

Rick Mason

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Karen Merguerian <nls2 at hotmail.com>
>  Subject: [Web4lib] EIU Certificate Problems anyone?
>  Sent: 21 Sep '07 10:03
>  We have a licensed subscription on our campus to the Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports and other international intelligence reports.  When our users try to connect to the site using Internet Explorer 7, they are blocked because of a security certificate mismatch.  The user is presented with "There is a problem with this web site's security certificate" and if we try to bypass the warning, we are blocked from the licensed content.
>  The workaround is to uncheck the security setting (Tools--Internet options--advanced) "warn about certificate address mismatch."  But our group policies on public computers in the library do not permit end users to alter this setting, and anyway I am not sure that is desireable.  A second workaround is to advise users to connect with Firefox, which can access the licensed content without a problem.  
>  We are going to report this to the vendor, but if anyone has any other advice or experiences the same problem, or has any light to shed, that would be helpful!
>  ********************
>  G. Karen Merguerian
>  Library Web Manager, Systems Department
>  Northeastern University

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