[Web4lib] Tool to show where/whether CSS classes and IDs are being used?

Bret Parker Bret.Parker at ci.stockton.ca.us
Wed Sep 12 14:44:53 EDT 2007

This sounds like a problem that could be approached with XSLT. Do you happen to have valid xhtml documents? 

Bret Parker, Senior Applications Programmer Analyst (MLIS)
Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library
605 N. El Dorado St
Stockton, CA 95202
bret.parker at ci.stockton.ca.us
(209) 937-7148

Stockton Reads!

>>> "Norwood, Randy" <randy.norwood at ttu.edu> 9/12/2007 9:15 AM >>>
That's true for a simple class or id: I can look for occurrences of
class="footnote" or whatever. However, this can't be done if, for
example, it's a "descendant" selector, such as:

div p { color: red; }

...because there is no class or id attribute in the HTML, just a
<div>text<p>more text</p>more text</div>.

This would seem to require parsing all of the site's HTML documents
programmatically, and finding a given selector in that document's
structure. I could probably build something in Perl, but it would be
nice if someone has already done this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cary Gordon [mailto:listuser at chillco.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:03 AM
To: Norwood, Randy
Cc: web4lib at webjunction.org 
Subject: Re: [Web4lib] Tool to show where/whether CSS classes and IDs
are being used?

Not much sophistication, but if you use *nix, Darwin, or even Windows  
with Cygwin, you can grep for them from the command line.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

On Sep 12, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Norwood, Randy wrote:

> Is anyone aware of a tool (preferably open source) that can analyze a
> web site and its stylesheets, and identify where (on what pages) a  
> given
> CSS selector is being used?
> This would be useful, for example, if one wished to modify the style
> associated with a given selector--you could view the results of the
> change on all of the pages where that style is applied and be  
> reasonably
> certain that nothing has broken.
> I have looked at a CSS editing and management program called TopStyle
> which has this capability. However, it seems a bit buggy, and it is  
> abit
> expensive ($80).
> thanks,
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Randy Norwood
> Sr Programmer/Analyst
> Texas Tech School of Law Library
> Office: 806-742-3990 x350
> Support: 806-742-3990 x318, computersupport.law at ttu.edu 
> E-mail: randy.norwood at ttu.edu 
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