[Web4lib] Movable Type or Wordpress MU for multiple library blogs?

Kyle Felker FelkerK at wlu.edu
Wed Nov 28 11:56:05 EST 2007

We use Moveable Type, and we bought it to do exactly what you are
describing: manage multiple blogs and users from a single interface.  It
does this very well.  If you have specific questions, feel free to ask-I
maintain our MT installation and have a good amount of experience with
just about everything it does.
As far as your requirements, MT seems to fill them:
Multiple blogs, multiple users: check
Distinct visual templates for each blog: check
Communal spam management:  a bit awkward, but it could be done by
someone with admin privs.
Kyle Felker
Technology Coordinator
Washington and Lee University Library
Phone: 540-458-8653
Email: felkerk at wlu.edu 
Chat: geeklibrary (aol) techbookgeek (yahoo)
>>> "Emily Molanphy" <emolanphy at gmail.com> 11/27/2007 9:30 AM >>>
I was wondering if anyone had any experiences to share running
blogs for their library on either MT or Wordpress MU. We would like to
several blogs, each with multiple authors. The first one would be for
internal communication and later we'd create others to communicate
library users. Some authors would write for more than one blog, and
different blogs should probably have different templates. Also, I'd
like to
be able to maintain the blogs (in terms of spam blocking, etc.) as a
rather than each individually.
Personally, I have a bit more experience with Wordpress, and would
not to have to commit to a cap on the total number of users (authors)
we know how the project plays out--which I think MT's nonprofit
would force us to do. Notwithstanding my preferences, I think we
still consider other options, including MT.
Does anyone have positive or negative things to say about running
system? Are there any other options that people have used
Emily Molanphy
Web Services Librarian
NYU Health Sciences Libraries

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