[Web4lib] Early Bird Registration Extended to November 23 for NISO Institutional Repository Forum

Cynthia Hodgson chodgson at niso.org
Mon Nov 19 11:47:49 EST 2007

Cross-posted announcement

Early Bird Registration Extended to November 23 for NISO Institutional 
Repository Forum

Early bird registration for the National Information Standards 
Organization (NISO) forum, "Getting the Most Out of Your Institutional 
Repository: Gathering Content and Building Use," has been extended to 
November 23. Be sure to register by then to take advantage of the 
substantial discounts. NISO and PALINET members are eligible for 
additional discounts.

This one-day event, cosponsored by PALINET, will take place December 3, 
2007 at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland. The 
forum asks library and information service providers to think about how 
to take advantage of an organization's repository once it is implemented 
by looking at:

Featured speakers and program topics include:

-- An "Opening Plenary" by Greg Zick , Vice President, Digital 
Collection Services, OCLC

-- "The Third Wave of Library's Information Stewardship: Managing Local, 
Digital Material" by Peter Murray, Assistant Director for New Service 
Development, OhioLINK: the Ohio Library and Information Network

-- "The Future of DSpace: Making It Personal" by John S. Erickson, 
Principal Scientist, Media and Information Systems Group, HP Labs

-- "Rights Management" by Trisha L. Davis, Associate Professor, Rights 
Management Coordinator, and Head, Serials & E-Resources Department, The 
Ohio State University Libraries

-- "OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (ORE)" by Herbert Van de Sompel, Team 
Leader, Digital Library Research and Prototyping Team, Research Library 
of the Los Alamos National Laboratory

-- "What You're Up Against" by Dorothea Salo , Digital Repository 
Librarian, University of Wisconsin at Madison

-- "Distilling Strategic Directions for Repositories from Faculty and 
Librarian Attitudes" by Roger C. Shonfeld , Manager of Research, Ithaka

-- "Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Logical Addition to Your 
Digital Repository?" by Terry M. Owen, DRUM Coordinator, Digital 
Repository at the University of Maryland

Visit the event webpage 
(http://www.niso.org/news/events_workshops/ir07/) for details and to 
register. Contact Karen Wetzel (kwetzel at niso.org), NISO Standards 
Program Manager, for more information.

The NISO Institutional Repository forum is cosponsored by PALINET with 
major sponsorship from ProQuest. Additional sponsorship is provided by 
The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress).

Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Email: chodgson at niso.org <mailto:chodgson at niso.org>
Phone: 301-654-2512

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