[Web4lib] Anyone else using Snap Shots to preview links?

Sharon Clapp sclapp at cslib.org
Wed Nov 7 15:51:36 EST 2007

I'm thoroughly disgusted - have even blogged said disgust at http://librarywebhead.blogspot.com/. But for those who hadn't noticed, Snap Shots has now (proudly - see their newsletter announcing this  - http://app.e2ma.net/app/view:CampaignPublic/id:9054.799895472/rid:6d6e50c654943758bf6cc8d77fd1bb39) added advertising -  Wordpress.com-based blogs and Blogger-based blogs, plus any websites that have deployed Snap Shots now feature ads in those previews  (Snap Shots allows users to preview screenshots of where they'll be hyperlinked to). Not surprising, I know, but nonetheless... only .gov and .edu sites have been exempted. Not .org's. Is my irritation misplaced, did I misinterpret what's going on, is there some resolution? I know these firms MUST monetize, but why sneak it in without warning, why not exempt .orgs, etc., etc....
Thank you, 

Sharon Clapp, sclapp at cslib.org 
Web Resources Librarian
Connecticut State Library  

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