[Web4lib] IM Security

Jami Haskell jamihaskell at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 16:23:33 EST 2007

Please help!
I would like to implement IM for inter-staff communications and, hopefully,
for reference/user services at my library.
However, I am being met with major resistance from my systems staff. They
claim that it is too much of a security risk and we cannot do it.

Every other library I have worked in has used IM (either via Trillian or
meebo) and security issues were never raised. I know that thousands of
libraries use IM all the time. I am proposing that my library system use
Meebo for this so that they can interact with multiple IM clients without
having to install software on the machines.

How can I explain to my systems folks that this is an okay thing to do??
Please help!

Thanks so much,
Jami Haskell

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