[Web4lib] new and "improved" Google Analytics

libwebdev libwebdev at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 20:32:25 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

I've been using Google Analytics on our library site for a year or so, to
complement the stats I get from our network webmaster. Now it's been
"improved", and I cannot find vital data in the new version.

I used to be able to drill down through browser versions, and get the
network location of users using specific browsers/versions. This information
is vital to me, because I'm begging and pleading with our IT department to
rid our organisation of IE5.0 and IE5.5. Without exception, ALL visitors to
our site using these dinosaur browsers are internal users, and account for
about 5% of visits. That's enough of a figure for me to feel the need to
support them, but feel it's a waste of my time. These stats are my

I've looked, and dug, but can't find this information. I contacted Google's
help, but all I got was an automated "please read our FAQ or ask in the
forums" along with instructions on how to PAY for support from a third
party. Umm, I don't think so.

I'd really rather not tackle a google forum before I have to. So, has anyone
here played with the new version enough yet to know if this information is
even still available? I'd be very grateful for instructions on how to find


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