[Web4lib] Freebase problems

Elizabeth Winter elizabeth.winter at library.gatech.edu
Thu Jul 26 11:09:53 EDT 2007

The same thing happened to me yesterday, so I just replied to the 
confirmation message, letting them know of the problem.

Their response was:

We had a service outage stemming from an explosion in downtown San 
Francisco yesterday that knocked the power out at our data center.
Some of the services were not fully restored until today. Would you mind 
trying to register again?

I apologize for the inconvenience.

It sounds like they may still be having some problems due to the power 
outage.  I'd suggest waiting another day or so, then if it's still not 
working, responding to the registration message you received (to 
registration at freebase.com).


Elizabeth L. Winter
Electronic Resources Coordinator, Acquisitions
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
email: elizabeth.winter at library.gatech.edu
phone: 404.385.0593
fax: 404.894.1723

Bill Drew wrote:
> I finally got an email from Freebase after I signed up for an
> invitation.  However, when I try to register I am getting a error
> contacting server message.  I can not find any contact information or
> support e-mail address to send a help request to.  Does any one know
> what is going on or have contact information for Freebase?

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