[Web4lib] position open: Auraria [Academic] Library, Denver

Bradbeer, Gayle Gayle.Bradbeer at auraria.edu
Fri Jul 6 12:52:06 EDT 2007

Here at Auraria we have a combined reference and instruction group that
also creates instructive web pages for classes and for general
reference.  Some people primarily do reference and others primarily do
instruction but many do both.  We will soon be creating a comprehensive
course for library users (undergrad, grad and faculty) in a course
management system (CMS) that can be integrated (wholly or in pieces)
into other courses in the CMS.  This new instruction librarian will be
involved in this exciting project among many other web and online
projects.  Please consider joining us in this stimulating environment.

Gayle E. Bradbeer
Distance Support Librarian
Auraria Library (http://library.auraria.edu/) 
An academic library serving UCDHSC, MSCD & CCD
1100 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO 80204-2095
Phone: 303-556-2791  Fax: 303-556-3528 
gayle.bradbeer at auraria.edu

Instruction Librarian, Auraria Library (Tenure-track or Tenured)

Position Number: 350330
Appointment Date: January 2008

The Auraria Library is seeking a creative, self-starting person to serve
as an instruction librarian.  The Auraria Library is located in the
heart of downtown Denver on a multi-institutional diverse campus serving
the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Colorado at Denver
and Health Sciences Center, Downtown Denver Campus, Metropolitan State
College of Denver, and the Community College of Denver.  The Library is
dedicated to providing an environment which stimulates and nourishes the
growth of ideas.  This is accomplished through collections and services
that support the curriculum, ranging from vocational training to
doctoral programs.  For more information about the Library and the
campus, visit: http://library.cudenver.edu.

The Instruction Librarian reports to the Head of Instruction and is
responsible for a wide variety of duties, including:

*	developing and promoting new instructional programs;
*	contributing to technology-based instruction initiatives and
*	preparing and presenting instruction sessions for the diverse
constituencies on the Auraria campus; 
*	teaching library research classes, both credit earning and
single session classes; traditional or online .
*	participating in Library Reference services that include
weekday, evening and weekend hours;
*	participating in professional development and scholarly
*	serving on library and university committees as elected or

Required Qualifications

*	graduate degree in Library and/or Information Science or foreign
*	demonstrated excellent communication skills;
*	demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and effectively
with colleagues, faculty, support staff and students;
*	demonstrated expertise in the application of information
literacy, assessment and pedagogical techniques in library instruction;
*	strong interest in providing instruction and reference services;
*	expertise with electronic and internet resources;
*	strong aptitude with technology, ability to work effectively
with diverse faculty, students, and staff; 
*	ability to be flexible in a dynamic and changing environment;
ability to work independently, as well as part of a team;
*	commitment to conduct independent scholarship consistent with a
tenure track appointment;
*	commitment to engage independently in continuing professional
*	knowledge of web editing and development software tools such as
*	experience creating web-based research guides.

Preferred Qualifications:  

*	ALA-accredited graduate degree 
*	experience in providing library instruction; online,
traditional, credit earning or single session 
*	experience with proactive outreach to undergraduate and graduate
*	experience in creating online tutorials and/or knowledge of web
authoring software.  

Position Classification and Salary Range

This is a tenured/tenure-track faculty position with a minimum salary of
$42,780, commensurate with skills, experience, and rank. The incumbent
may be initially appointed as a non-tenure track, senior instructor, for
the first six months, and then moved into a tenure track position
effective July 1, 2008. To be appointed with tenure, one must be tenured
at a comparable academic institution and meet the Auraria Library's
criteria for tenure and promotion.  The University of Colorado offers a
full benefits package. Information on University benefits programs,
including eligibility, is located at http://www.cusys.edu/pbs

Application Procedures: Applicants should provide the following: 

*	A letter of application detailing how your education, background
and experience relate to the required and preferred qualifications
*	A current vita
*	A one to two page statement of research interests
*	Writing sample
*	Three professional references and their contact information
*	Final candidates will be expected to provide a selected
portfolio of such items as samples of writing, course syllabi, and
course development templates.

Applications are accepted electronically at www.jobsatcu.com.  Questions
should be directed to Mary Ulibarri, Auraria Library, Campus Box 101,
Denver, Colorado 80204-2094 at mary.ulibarri at cudenver.edu.  Review of
applications will begin August 1, 2007.  Appointment will be effective
January, 2008.

All materials received become the property of the University of Colorado
at Denver and Health Sciences Center.

The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center is
dedicated to ensuring a safe and secure environment for our faculty,
staff, students, and visitors. To achieve that goal, we conduct
background investigations as a condition of employment for all
prospective employees.

The Auraria Library and the University of Colorado is committed to
diversity and equality in education and employment. 

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