[Web4lib] Google Books a tease, not a useful tool, for serious research

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Fri Jul 6 12:35:37 EDT 2007

Richard Wiggins wrote:

> I think we've plumbed these troubled waters before, but my 
> experience over the last two days has me shaking my head, 
> wondering if Google really considers Google Book a serious 
> research tool.

No, they don't.  The website clearly says "beta" which in software 
engineering refers to a semi-public phase of testing before the 
official launch.  Google announced in December 2004 that they were 
going to digitize 15 million books over 10 years.  It cannot be a 
"serious research tool" until after those 10 years, that is 2015.

What you currently see is a teaser, carefully engineered not to 
reveal all the secret cards that Google has up its sleeve.  
Despite many obvious shortcomings, the current beta test of 
Google Book Search is the leading example of its kind.  The next 
card will be put on the table only when Google feels a threat from 
a competitor.  Currently, there is no such need.

This is not the war, just a military parade to impress spectators.
And most people are impressed, some because of the shining parade, 
others because they understand the underlying capacity when these 
forces are eventually put to full use.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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