[Web4lib] high availability web service infrastructure: your experiences?

Francis Kayiwa kayiwa at uic.edu
Wed Jan 31 18:36:57 EST 2007

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On Jan 31, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Tom Wood wrote:


I am curious why this would be any different from any other (non- 
library) environment. A highly available webserver is the same  
regardless of where -no? :-) Embracing the 'no silver bullet  
philosophy I will share my experience with this in a none library  
environment and with any luck it will help or at worst guide you on  
what not to do.

>   * What sort of high availability architecture do you use?  (e.g.,
> clustering, load balancing, etc.)  What is the scope of your
> architecture? (e.g., web server, application server, database, etc.)
>   * If clustering or load balancing, how do you distribute your web
> content to your servers? (e.g., replication/mirroring, network file
> system, global file system, etc.)
>   * How do you move your content/applications through
> development/staging/production?  (e.g., home grown tools, version
> control system, content management system, etc.)
>   * Do you use a content management system in a high availability
> configuration?  Any quirks, words of wisdom, etc.?

For our purposes we chose CARP on three servers. HTTP is stateless so  
YMMV. I shared the load with round-robin in DNS to provide failover.  
This is not perfect but it works for. For instance I can imagine  
server one going down and still receiving hits. Still I don't think  
about this choice that much. :-) (You may though.)

We installed


This is still further complicated with the Apache logs (minor  
complication but a complication nonetheless.)

So we live with a combination of cronjobs + rsync to make sure all  
servers remain mirrored.

I cannot recall why we didn't choose the Linux Virtual Server project.


which seems to have active development and will probably address most  
of your needs above.


Francis Kayiwa
Library Systems Team
4-180, MC 234
T: +1.312.996.2716
W: http://www.uic.edu/~kayiwa
Key: http://tigger.uic.edu/~kayiwa/kayiwa.gpg

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