[Web4lib] Code4lib 2008 Minority Scholarship

Brian Gray mindspiral at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 12:02:39 EST 2007

Web 2.0 tends to be very decentralized for several reasons. First,
would see many times that there is no longer a single web presence for
an organization or group. They have their traditional website, a
facebook page, a myspace page. a blog, a Google/Yahoo group, etc.
There may no longer be a key location for information or
communication.  The other information "decentralization" is that with
blogs and other social networks announcements and other chunks of
information are getting redistributed for organizations and groups.
You could in reality participate and be aware of an organization
without ever going to their web presence.

Brian Gray
mindspiral at gmail.com

On Dec 20, 2007 4:48 AM, Dan Lester <dan at riverofdata.com> wrote:
> > Today we see forums, blogs, ad-hoc Facebook groups,
> > other social networks... communication mechanisms with an entirely different
> > Zeitgeist, diffuse, decentralized, ad hoc, specialized.
> I guess I'm not getting what you mean by decentralized in the above.
> Doesn't your blog run on a single server?  Don't many of us get the
> updates on it via RSS?  Is that significantly different?  If so, how,
> and what am I missing in my incipient senility?

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