[Web4lib] Code4lib 2008 Minority Scholarship

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Wed Dec 19 01:36:55 EST 2007

Hello K.G.,

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 8:40:22 AM, you wrote:

> You write this, and yet in the past three weeks I've heard of several
> instances of business as usual. Just to start with, only today someone
> forwarded a discussion about speakers on 2.0 topics on a librarians'
> discussion list and every speaker mentioned was male, even though
> without even trying I can name half a dozen superbly qualified speakers
> who happen to be women. 

Then why the hell didn't they submit a proposal to speak?  Or are you
suggesting they did but were rejected by gender?

I can say that a great many of the speakers at Internet Librarian are
female.  Wouldn't be surprised if it is just about 50 percent.

Best regards,
 Dan                            mailto:dan at riverofdata.com

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