[Web4lib] Thin Clients and printing

Charles Hobbs charleshobbs at cdrewu.edu
Wed Aug 22 15:06:41 EDT 2007

(Note, this message will be posted to Publib under a different account)

We are considering using thin clients as our library and computer lab
public workstations. We have a choice between Citrix-based and
NComputing thin clients.

Our question is: printing. We use a print manager (OCS) with our current
workstations. The company that makes OCS has a Citrix-compatible
version, but I haven't seen it work yet.

As for the NComputing L200 thin clients, they are not Citrix based, and
our current OCS doesn't really work well with them. (They'll print, but
the user information screen shows up on the server, not on the
workstation screen)

Does anyone currently using either Citrix based or NComputing thin
clients in their library have any insight into using managed printing?

Thanks for any help.

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