[Web4lib] Click Counters

Valerie Reid vreid1 at sladen.hfhs.org
Tue Apr 24 14:56:48 EDT 2007


Our library web site is part of the larger hospital web site, and because of
this, we are seriously limited as to the type of statistics that we have
access to.  In essence, I can find out how many hits or visits on about 15
of our primary web pages.  However, we have a total of about 300-400 web
pages, and can get no statistics on any of the rest of our pages.

A few years ago, we implemented Click Manager as a way to count internet
traffic to some of our web pages.  This is a free package whereby I imbed
the specific Click Manager code into the URL and it tracks how many times a
user goes from a web page to another web page.

We just discovered that there is no newer version of Click Manager, and that
the older version is no longer supported.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a similar product?  Free or very low
cost would be ideal.  Thanks in advance.

Valerie Reid

Valerie L. Reid
Webmaster / Senior Information Resource Specialist
Henry Ford Hospital
Sladen Library & Center for Health Information Resources
2799 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48202

313/874-4730 FAX

vreid1 at sladen.hfhs.org

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