[Web4lib] Registration is open for the Mississippi Library 2.0 Summit--June 15, 2007

Amanda Powers APowers at library.msstate.edu
Thu Apr 19 18:01:15 EDT 2007

(apologies for cross-posting!)

Register Now! 

Mississippi Library 2.0 Summit
Friday, June 15, 2007 
Sponsored by Mississippi State University Libraries 

The Summit will be a one-day intensive session providing practical take-home ideas and applications of Library 2.0 technologies for librarians and staff around the state and region. Our keynote speaker, nationally known Library 2.0-guru Michael Stephens (www.tametheweb.com), will kick off the day with an inspiring discussion about how libraries are using these new technologies to bring resources to patrons, wherever they are and whenever they need them. 

"Hyperlinked Library: Trends, Tools & Technologies" 
Michael Stephens (www.tametheweb.com) 

The keynote will be followed by breakout "Steal This Idea" sessions focusing on ways that libraries in our state and region have used these technologies. Has your library started a blog? Are you using Instant Messenger to keep up with your student workers? To keep up with your colleagues? Do you have a Facebook page? Are you using Wikis to work with distance learners? Are you using Flickr to promote your services? Have you customized your OPAC with user reviews or electronic book bags? 

What are your success stories? What do you want to hear about? 

We are looking for librarians and library staff who are excited about these technologies and want to share their ideas with the rest of us. Proposals are for 45-minute "Steal This Idea" sessions focused on practical applications of Library 2.0 technologies.   We are also accepting poster sessions on any applications of Library 2.0 technologies in the state and region. 

Proposals for presenters and posters are due May 1, 2007. Please send proposals or questions via email to apowers at library.msstate.edu.   For more information and registration, please go to http://library.msstate.edu/mslibrarysummit/. 

Amanda Clay Powers, M.L.I.S.
Asst. Professor/Reference Librarian
Mitchell Memorial Library
Mississippi State University
1 Hardy Road
Starkville, MS  39762-5408
Phone: 662-325-7677
Yahoo IM: acp_lex
ICQ IM: 317957866
IM: amndcly

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