[Web4lib] IE7 and CSS

David Kane dkane at wit.ie
Fri Oct 20 08:26:08 EDT 2006

I hope that solves our problem with our library home page (
http://library.wit.ie/ ), which does not currently display well in IE7,
due to its interpretation of CSS.  Fortunately the rest of our pages are

I haven't been able to diagnose thie problem so far.  If anyone has any
inspiration, or similar problems with their pages not displaying well in
IE7, it'd be great to hear.

Best regards,

David Kane
Waterford Institute of Technology Libraries

>>> Joshua Neds Fox <nedsfoxj at westland.lib.mi.us>  >>>
New to the list, so forgive me if this has been posted before.

I'm sure most of you webmasters know that IE7 will add support for child
selectors, which will allow it to see a lot of the standard IE CSS
hacks.  Now that it's here, it might be time to take advantage of IE's
conditional comments to move your hacks to an IE-only stylesheet.

Read a bit more about it here:


Joshua Neds-Fox
Tech/Reference Librarian
Public Library of Westland
nedsfoxj at westland.lib.mi.us

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