[Web4lib] Contribute opinions?

SUSAN HANSEN SUSAN at rochester.lib.mn.us
Mon Nov 6 12:48:12 EST 2006

I'll gladly share. I use contribute with teachers at a private school. They can edit their staff pages, and create/edit their own class pages. They love it (and so do I so I don't have to keep their info current.) Several put their weekly assignments on up as well as pictures from trips, etc. )I can limit the size of their pictures for those who don't get making web images smaller.  They are all stand alone installs. this is one teacher who uses contribute. http://www.rcls.net/nelson.html
I also use contribute at the public library where we have the publishing server for contribute. this has taken a little getting used to but it's really nice as users can be logged in using their network password.  I can create 'roles' for different users (like those that only edit intranet or only edit teen pages.)  It's very handy so the different divisions can update their page at a moment's notice (like if the bookmobile is off the road, or there is a special children's program...)  our design in development... http://www.rochesterpubliclibrary.org:8080
Features I really like: I can force them to send me pages for review (or not) before they get put to the web. The pages come to me and show up in my console so I can edit/publish them.  I can limit which files/folders they have access to.  It doesn't let them mess with my templates or hidden code.  Training was very simple. Since it's a lot like editing in word, users catch on quickly. There are just a few special things like making links, adding images that are a little more tricky.  
We are having a little problem at the moment with contribute not rendering a couple of our stylesheets/templates correctly. I think we have some rogue code creating the problem on our end as they work correctly for our web designer at his office...
It's a lot less cumbersome than the fancy CMS city hall is using and having a terrible time creating templates/training users.
Be glad to answer any other questions. Or if you're in the area, stop in and I can show you how it's working... :)
Susan Hansen, MA, CIRS, 
Rochester Public Library
101 2nd Street SE
Rochester MN  55904-3776
susan at rochester.lib.mn.us
Aim & Yahoo screenname: RPLmnInfo  MSN: reference at rochester.lib.mn.us
office phone: 507.285.8002
fax: 507.287.1910

>>> "Nancy Eaton" <neaton at duluth.lib.mn.us> 11/6/2006 10:38 AM >>>

Does anyone have thoughts and/or opinions about Adobe's Contribute? (Ha!
Like I think maybe some of you DON'T!) So the question really is, will
you share them?

Nancy Eaton
Duluth Public Library
Duluth, MN
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