[Web4lib] Gracefully degrades to..?

Jonathan Gorman jtgorman at uiuc.edu
Wed May 24 15:27:28 EDT 2006

> Steven Champeon came up with a strategy called "Progressive Enhancement"
> a few years ago.  Could that be what you're thinking of?

> There's an article in Wikipedia with links to more info:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Enhancement

No, sorry, I should have been clearer.  It was a system that used some 
genetic algorithm type principles.  So it would have a set of pages 
randomly created ala StrangeBanana.  Then you choose what ones were good. 
It then created a new generation based off of the choices you made in the 
last generation.  Only remember seeing it briefly while working on 
something similar and can't remember any details really.  I think I even 
sketched out designs for a similar system.  (Had a real fun class during 
my undergraduate career that dealt with GA theory and some AI).

Think http://www.electricsheep.org/ with webpages.

Jonathan T. Gorman
Visiting Research Information Specialist
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
216 Main Library - MC522
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 244-4688

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