[Web4lib] Online Innovation Institute Extravaganza: MichaelStephens and Library 2.0

Lori Bell lbell927 at yahoo.com
Tue May 16 15:49:26 EDT 2006

sorry about that.   The dates are June 15 and 16. You can select one date. Lori

Nicole Engard <nengard at jenkinslaw.org> wrote:       One more question - what's the date for this event - I see times, but no date.

  From: Lori Bell [mailto:lbell927 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:27 AM
To: Nicole Engard
Subject: RE: [Web4lib] Online Innovation Institute Extravaganza: MichaelStephens and Library 2.0

Hi Nicole.  If you come in Second Life you will have to pay also. You will also need to be in OPAL to hear the audio. If you don't pay to attend for Second Life, people may be able to attend, but will not hear the audio since they will need a password to get into OPAL. I know this is confusing. I am sorry. I hope this explains it. Lori

Nicole Engard <nengard at jenkinslaw.org> wrote:   Lori,

I'm a little confused. You say Join online or in SL. Does that mean if you come into the library 2.0 on second life you don't have to pay? How will you know how paid. Will it be the same event in both places?

I'm just a little lost :)

Nicole Engard
Jenkins Law Library

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org [mailto:web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Lori Bell
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 9:18 PM
To: web4lib at webjunction.org; publib at webjunction.org; lita-l at lita.org; livereference at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Web4lib] Online Innovation Institute Extravaganza: MichaelStephens and Library 2.0

Alliance Library System Online Innovation Institute Library 2.0 Extravaganza!

Speaker: Michael Stephens, Writer/Trainer/Teacher/Tame the Web Blog

Join us online (close to the event we will send you instructions) or Join us in the Alliance Second Life Library 2.0 through the virtual reality site Second Life.

Cost: Free for all Alliance Library System members; $25.00 for Non-Alliance members
When you sign up you will be given the opportunity to select a payment option.
Create an account on register online at CLEO at http://www.alliancelibrarysystem.com/cleo/index.asp

WEBLOGS & LIBRARIES 8:30-9:30 a.m. CST

An in-depth look at the Biblioblogosphere - all things blogs, libraries 
and librarians. We'll discuss best practices and lessons learned to 
make your library blog the most dynamic area of your web site!

INSTANT MESSAGING: DO YOU IM? 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CST

How are libraries and librarians using Instant Messaging? This session 
explores a grass roots effort by many libraries to meet users where 
they interact online. We'll explore best practice and implementation 


Librarians are finding their users are interacting online is social 
spaces and sites: creating content, collaborating, and building 
communities? What are some of the thriving social sites? How can we participate 
in sites like MySpace and Facebook?


No matter what Web 2.0 technology you start with, a key element is 
staff buy in. We'll present Ten Tips for Staff Buy in and offer takeaways 
to get the ball rolling.

Speaker Biography:

Holding an MLS from Indiana University, Michael Stephens has spent the 
last fifteen years in public libraries working as a reference 
librarian, technology trainer and manager of Networked Resources and Training at 
the St. Joseph County Public Library in South Bend, IN. His most recent 
position in the public library setting was as Special Projects 
Librarian, focusing on technology, policy and planning.
Beginning in the fall of 2006, Michael will be joining the Graduate 
School of Library and Information Science at Dominican University in River 
Forest, IL as an Instructor. He is finishing up his IMLS funded 
Interdisciplinary PhD at the University of North Texas.
Active in ALA, he has presented at library conferences locally, 
nationally and on the international
 level as well as workshops for libraries 
and library associations. In 2001, he published The Library Internet 
Trainer's Toolkit --a series of technology training modules in CD-ROM 
with Neal-Schuman Inc in and in the U.K. with the British library 
Association in 2002. In 2005, he was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker 
and served as a Scholar at the Chicago Public Library's Scholar in 
Residence program. He has written for Library Journal, co-authors a 
department in Computers in Libraries magazine with Rachel Singer Gordon, and 
currently writes for the ALA TechSource Blog and his own blog, Tame the 
His Library Technology Report Best Practices for Social Software in 
Libraries will be published by ALA TechSource in 2006.

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