[Web4lib] RUSA MARS Hot Topics Discussion Group at ALA New Orleans

Mark Dehmlow mdehmlow at nd.edu
Mon Jun 12 13:14:55 EDT 2006

“Expanding the Library: Integrating Library Services into Course 
Management Systems, Portals, and Beyond”

Sponsored by RUSA MARS Hot Topics Discussion Group

Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:30 - 12:30, Sheraton New Orleans Grand 
Ballroom A

In a rapidly evolving information space where libraries are competing 
with free commercial entities to provide core services, delivering 
library resources at the point of patron need has never been more crucial.

Please join us as we explore how to drive library resources right to our 
users’ point of need through integration with course management systems 
such as Blackboard and WebCT. Our panel of 5 librarians will talk about 
the ways in which they have integrated library resources with online 
CMSs, covering topics from planning the integration of resources and 
developing relationships with CMS managers to implementing content 
integration and library tutorials within course management systems. 
Question and discussion session to follow.

Presenters and Presentations:

Ruth Vondracek, Head of Research, Consulting and Innovative Services at 
Oregon State University and Maureen Kelly, Head Librarian of Oregon 
State University, Cascades will present “Flexibility = Accessibility: 
Oregon State University Libraries’ Interactive Course Assignment Pages,”

Joan Giesecke, Dean of Libraries at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln 
will present “The Library, Blackboard, and Me: Integrating the

Library and Blackboard for Student Use,”

Erin Lanham, Reference Librarian at St. Charles Community College will 
present “Integrating Library Services into Course Management Software,”

and Allyson Washburn, Distributed Learning Services Librarian at Brigham 
Young University will present “Connecting Sources to Courses in Blackboard.”

Hope to see you there.

Matt Bejune, Chair of Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group
Mark Dehmlow, Co-Chair of Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion 

Mark Dehmlow
Electronic Services Librarian

      Electronic Resources and Serials 
		 Access Department 

211 Hesburgh Library       |  mdehmlow at nd.edu
University of Notre Dame   |  voice: (574) 631-3092
Notre Dame, IN 46556       |  fax:   (574) 631-6772

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