[Web4lib] Microform scanners

Robert Sullivan robert.g.sullivan at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 15:00:35 EDT 2006

> In any case, I decided tht self-serve microform scanners were mythical as of
> summer 2005. If any one else has sighted, please speak up!

We added the scanner attachment to one of our Minolta MS 6000
reader-printers several years ago.  It included Kodak Imaging
Professional, although I have heard since that that won't work under
Windows XP, so I don't know what has replaced it.

We found the software to be reasonably user-friendly.  Given the
nature of the task - sometimes the top and bottom of a census page
require different settings to be legible, so you can't lock in a
default which will work for most people - I think it works pretty

The hard core researchers have figured it out for themselves or needed
only minor assistance from us.  Some of the more bewildered required
more time, but motivation is a key factor here - even some of the
less-technical users quickly see that they frequently get a better
copy by scanning and printing than printing directly from the Minolta,
so they are willing to tinker with it to get the best results.

There are a number of options for saving files; one is some sort of
compressed TIFF which is not bad for a Web site, if you know your
audience will have access to AlternaTIFF or another TIFF viewer.
These files were somewhat difficult to edit, however.

Bob Sullivan
Schenectady Digital History Archive
Schenectady County (NY) Public Library

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