[Web4lib] Cites & Insights 6:2 available: Library 2.0 and "Library 2.0"

Walt.Crawford at rlg.org Walt.Crawford at rlg.org
Mon Jan 9 10:46:31 EST 2006

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 6:2 (Midwinter 2006) is now
available for downloading at

This is a special issue consisting of one essay in five parts:

Library 2.0 and "Library 2.0"

It's 32 pages long in PDF form. While it's also available as HTML,
please don't use the HTML if you're planning to print the issue: the
whole issue is one HTML file (since it's all one essay), and when I do a
print preview in Firefox it comes out to 42 pages instead of 32.

A more typical February Cites & Insights should appear at the very end
of January or early in February.

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