[Web4lib] HTML Editing software

Kyle Felker FelkerK at wlu.edu
Mon Jan 9 08:32:44 EST 2006

Hi all;
As usual, I'm coming to you all for advice and guidance. We are looking
at settling on an HTML editing package here at W & L.  I have used
frontpage and dreamweaver before, and am discounting goLive because of
the Adobe/Macromedia merger.  I am actually looking for two different
packages-one with all the bells and whistles for the folks doing
heavy-duty web development work and something very simple and scaled
back for folks just doing day-to-day updating.  So far I'm leaning
towards Dreamweaver for our powerusers and Contribute for those doing
casual editing.  Are there other HTML creation software packages people
out there are using that I might ought to look at?
Thanks for any help!
Kyle Felker
Technology Coordinator
Washington and Lee University Library
Phone: 540-458-8653
Email: felkerk at wlu.edu
Chat: geeklibrary (aol) techbookgeek (yahoo)

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