[Web4lib] RE: [Publib] Talk of the Nation to Talk 21st C.
Libraries, 2-21
Ann Hubble
ahubble at ucsc.edu
Tue Feb 21 14:56:30 EST 2006
Absolutely! Li-bar-ian has always bothered me too. Awhile back I was
testing an online dictionary (try Merriam-Webster Online:
http://www.m-w.com/ if you can) and played the audio file for the 2nd
pronunciation of librarian. There it is -- li-bar-ian. Guess I just
don't get out often enough. :)
Ann Hubble
UCSC Science & Engineering Library
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
ahubble at ucsc.edu
831-459-4974 (voice)
831-459-2797 (fax)
At 1:22 PM -0500 2/21/06, Gair Helfrich wrote:
>Nope, Feb-U-ary, Feb-Er-ary or even Feb-rary--they don't bother me.
>Li-bar-ian bothers me--just one of my pet peeves. And, it was
>particularly disconcerting coming from someone who speaks
>professionally for her living. On the other hand, some of my former
>patrons used to call me much worse than li-bar-ian! :-)
>Gair Helfrich, MLS
>Network Services & Computer Services Manager
>Atlantic County Library
>40 Farragut Avenue
>Mays Landing, NJ 08330
>609-625-2776 ext. 6313 Fax: 609-625-8143
>ghelfrich at aclsys.org
>-----Original Message-----
>From: K.G. Schneider [mailto:kgs at bluehighways.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:50 PM
>To: Backwage at aol.com; Gair Helfrich; web4lib at webjunction.org;
>publib at webjunction.org
>Subject: RE: [Publib] Talk of the Nation to Talk 21st C. Libraries, 2-21
>No, no no-it's Feb-ER-ary.
>Frankly, I don't care if they call me libarian, liberrian, whatever-as long
>as we get called.
>Karen G. Schneider
>kgs at bluehighways.com
>From: Backwage at aol.com [mailto:Backwage at aol.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:24 AM
>To: ghelfrich at aclsys.org; kgs at bluehighways.com; web4lib at webjunction.org;
>publib at webjunction.org
>Subject: Re: [Publib] Talk of the Nation to Talk 21st C. Libraries, 2-21
>I guess you have trouble with this being Feb-U-ary, too.
>M. McGrorty
>Web4lib mailing list
>Web4lib at webjunction.org
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