[Web4lib] OPAL Presents: Michael Stephens and Ten Technologies for Librarians 2006

Lori Bell lbell927 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 17 14:47:54 EST 2006

OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries) -
http://www.opal-online.org - is pleased to announce
speaker Michael Stephens of "Tame the Web"
(http://www.tametheweb.com) blogging fame.  The topic
of Michael's talk on Thursday, April 6 at 2 p.m.
central time is "Ten Top Technologies for Librarians

What trends should librarians be watching? What's the
next big thing?  Join librarian and Blogger Michael
Stephens for a survey of ten  
technologies to be aware of for 2006 and beyond. We'll
touch on user-centered planning, changes to the ILS,
conversations, communities and  
the Cluetrain.

The program is free of charge.  To come to the
program, enter the OPAL auditorium at
type your name and click enter. A small software
applet will download to your computer as you enter the
online room.  All you need to participate are an
Internet connection, sound card, and speakers.  If you
have a pc microphone, you can participate via audio. 
If you do not have a microphone, you may participate
via text chat.

If you have questions about this program or OPAL,
please contact Tom Peters, OPAL Coordinator at
tapinformation at yahoo.com or Lori Bell, Alliance
Library System at lbell at alliancelibrarysystem.com

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