[Web4lib] "The end of the Internet", and the telecoms may bring it

D.H. Mattison dmattison at shaw.ca
Tue Feb 7 23:11:49 EST 2006

Perhaps this story from "The Nation" is the early 21st century equivalent of
that old urban legend the modem tax. 

How ironic it would be if the current pricing model of Internet service -- a
flat-fee rate that made the Net affordable and encouraged public service
points at no cost within community organizations such as libraries -- were
reversed and United States users started paying by the second or minute.

This story is also very specific to the situation in the United States and
circumstances in Canada and elsewhere are quite different.

David Mattison
Victoria, BC, Canada
dmattison at shaw.ca 
Tiki Wiki Hut: http://www.davidmattison.ca/tiki
Ten Thousand Year Blog: http://www.davidmattison.ca/wordpress

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