[Web4lib] obtaining the external ip address of a router

John Fitzgibbon jfitzgibbon at Galwaylibrary.ie
Wed Sep 7 05:24:46 EDT 2005


Is it possible to obtain the external ip address of router? The internal
ip address is known but the password isn't so telnetting to the router
is not an option. The router is not connected directly to the Internet
so accessing http://www.whatismyip.com is not an option either. I can do
a trace route from a network that is external to the router but this
involves going to another building.

Any ideas?


John Fitzgibbon

Galway Public Library
Island House
Cathedral Square

p: 00 353 91 562471
f: 00 353 91 565039
w: http://www.galwaylibrary.ie 

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