[Web4lib] Consumer Group Raises Concerns about Google Print Library

Leo Robert Klein leo at leoklein.com
Tue Oct 25 15:09:33 EDT 2005

Chuck0 wrote:
> While I have plenty of reservations about a big corporation and its plan 
> to become "the Internet," I see anything that dissolves intellectual 
> property and moves our society to the eventual abolition of IP as a good 
> thing. 

I spose that's one way to justify Google Print though I think it's 
playing right into the hands of the fiendish content owners.  Why don't 
we just say it's fair use and leave it at that?

My question is why would an organization who's mission is "to protect 
and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the 
United States and abroad" feel itself obliged to say anything on this 
issue one way or another.


-- -------------
Leo Robert Klein

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