[Web4lib] Nielsen's Top 10 - 2005 version

Gillian Wiseman gwiseman at ci.waco.tx.us
Fri Oct 21 10:49:04 EDT 2005

I've been following this discussion with interest, but I have a slightly
different need when discussing "bad web pages". I try to teach my
patron-students in library computer classes how to recognize "bad pages"
that are either - a) unreliable information sources or b)untrustworthy
shopping sites.

Of course, we discuss all the standards of 1)who wrote the page, 2)the
reason/motive for them to have written the page, 3) the source(s) of the
information given, 4) contact info (especially when money is involved)
etc... but I'd love to find some really clear examples of "bad" pages from
this point of view. I can find tacky sites, misinforming or untruthful
sites, and sites that lack contact info, but I am having a hard time finding
a single site that has multiple failings that would be handy to use in

Can anyone suggest one that would also NOT be TOO likely to offend patrons
in a public library? 


Gillian Wiseman
Electronic Resources Librarian
Waco-McLennan County Library
gwiseman at ci.waco.tx.us

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