[Web4lib] Google Print

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Mon Nov 7 09:41:59 EST 2005

Drew, Bill wrote:
> Is everyone forgetting it is a beta?  Don't expect too much from it.

Google uses the term "beta" in a way that must make sense to them, but 
which is nothing like the traditional notion of beta testing.  Google 
Mail, Google Desktop, Google Talk, and Google Scholar are all still 
labelled as betas; Google Maps was up for ages before they took the beta 
tag off.  They don't make these services publicly available before they 
work the way Google considers finished.

BTW, hasn't Google Scholar shown that PageRank inherently favors older 
material, since new content will always have the "people haven't made 
links yet" problem?

Thomas Dowling
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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