[WEB4LIB] How do we set to digest now?

K.G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Fri May 20 15:55:51 EDT 2005

> Re: [WEB4LIB] Desktop weather alerting?Thank you, Andrew!
> Seems like a little correction is in order (something we all have called
> to
> our attention from time to time).
> "Unsubscibe or Edit Options" does not tell the user (at least, not this
> one)
> that clicking that buttom will result in a password being sent to the
> user's
> email address.

Mailman has a lot of canned text that produces a standard subscriber's page
guaranteed to baffle 90% of the people who are forced to interact with it.
I've managed Mailman lists for years and this is definitely a weakness in
Mailman (that, and lack of stats, and kludgy moderation tools--PUBLIB is now
unmoderated Web4Lib-style, though I consider that a plus). 

I'd appreciate input on whether the page I've just modified for PUBLIB is a
little better, since we've been dealing with the same issues on that list:


I also commented out requesting the subscribers' list--if Sara and I want to
see the subscribers' list we'll log in. Otherwise why add noise to the page?

I still think crucial stuff is below the fold, but is it better?  

Wonder if it would be so bad to put the current-subscriber stuff ABOVE the
new-subscriber stuff? 

Karen G. Schneider

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