[Web4lib] Another Reason to Use FireFox - a caveat

Kenneth R. Irwin kirwin at wittenberg.edu
Fri May 20 15:48:10 EDT 2005

I like the idea of having multiple startup pages -- but there is a side 
effect: I just set up my Firefox with 3 home pages -- and now when I click 
the home button, the first homepage opens in the current tab and the other 
two open in new tabs. I'd like 3 tabs on startup, but I only want one as my 
"real" homepage, and I don't want extra tabs popping up. I wonder if it's 
possible to have it both ways? I don't see how (short of putting my "real" 
homepage in the link bar and learn to not use the home button at all.)


Quoth Bill Drew <drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU>

>I just discovered another reason to use and to love FireFox.  Because of
>the tab function, it is actually possible to have more than one webpage
>as your start-up page in FireFox.

Ken Irwin                                               kirwin at wittenberg.edu
Reference/Electronic Resources Librarian        (937) 327-7594
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University 

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