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Wed May 18 14:54:51 EDT 2005

>From hagena at  Wed Feb 10 12:54:22 1999
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Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 12:54:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Hagen Amen <hagena at>
To: Susan Acampora <sacampora at>
cc: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at>
Subject: Re: [WEB4LIB] telnet problem
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On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Susan Acampora wrote:

> Hello all:
> We do not want autoconnect on and we do not want Anzio to ask for the
> host name.
> We were hoping that Anzio would automatically register whatever the
> telnet address is on any given telnet hyperlink on a website.    Instead
> we get the familiar Anzio host name request box.  Does anyone know of a
> way to get anzio to automatically go to the telnet address embedded
> within a hypertext link?

I have extensive experience with Anzio here at Multnomah County Library.
Quite simply, you just need to make sure the URL:Telnet association in
the "File Types" is set as such:

on 'open' use:

"c:\program files\anzio32r.exe" %1

Then, you want to make certain that you do have a default 'anziowin.def'
file in the same directory as Anzio. That will prevent it from asking
for the terminal type.

It works great for us.

Hagen Amen
MCL Automation Services

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