[WEB4LIB] Creating EbscoHost Single Search Box

Paul R. Pival ppival at ucalgary.ca
Thu May 12 16:10:24 EDT 2005

Hi Mike, I threw this at one of our systems folk, who sent me this back:

<form method="get" action="http://search.epnet.com/login.aspx" 
 <input name="direct" value="true" type="hidden">
 <input name="db" value="aph" type="hidden">
 <input name="bQuery" type="text">
 <input name="Search" value="Search" type="submit">

... and if it does work, then you could also probably replace the hidden 
"db" value with a drop-down list and the the user select an ebsco database.

I went ahead and tried to plug in three different databases and it 
seemed to do just what I had hoped - search three databases 

<form method="get" action="http://search.epnet.com/login.aspx" 
 <input name="direct" value="true" type="hidden">
 <input name="db" value="aph" type="hidden">
 <input name="db" value="ecn" type="hidden">
 <input name="db" value="mth" type="hidden">
 <input name="bQuery" type="text">
 <input name="Search" value="Search" type="submit">

Is this what you're after?


Paul R. Pival
Distance Education Librarian
213E MLT
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 	
Toll Free:
Website: *
	(403) 220-2119
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(403) 282-6837
ppival at ucalgary.ca <mailto:ppival at ucalgary.ca>
Library Connection <http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/libcon>


Cobb, Mike A. wrote:

>Greetings All,
>Has anyone created a single search box or a federated search box for
>EbscoHost databases?  I'd like to offer either a way to search Ebsco's
>ASP without having to go into the database itself, something akin to
>what Google offers with the search box you can add to your homepages.
>Thank you for any help.
>Mike Cobb
>APG Library
>Liberty University
>mikecobb at liberty.edu

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