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Wed May 18 14:25:15 EDT 2005

>From rtennant at  Thu May  4 08:06:49 2000
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Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 08:07:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Roy Tennant <rtennant at>
To: web4lib at
Subject: Another MSIE 5 feature
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.4.10.10005040753110.23223-100000 at>
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This is probably another one of those things that has been in Internet
Explorer since version 4, but it's news to me and I thought I'd share. At
least on the Mac version of MSIE 5, the main tool bar (forward, back,
etc.) is completely customizable. This isn't the cool part, though. It's
the way in which you can customize it. If you don't like a button, hold
down the apple key and drag it to the trash. If you want to add one (my
favorite being the "source" button), go to the "View" menu and choose
"Cutomize Toolbars...", and drag whatever button you see displayed up to
the menu bar. If you want a separator, to segment the bar, drag up one of
those. If you don't like the position of a button, hold down the apple key
and drag it to where you want it. Now *that's* usability.  Meanwhile, I'm
*still* trying to figure out what all the doohickeys are at the bottom of
the Netscape 6 window, and how I can get rid of the "Shopping" and "Free
Time" menus, under which you can find "Love at Netscape". For me, that has
definitely become an oxymoron. Hmmm....I wonder how I new the AOL buyout
would not be a Good Thing.

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