Page length and extra whitespace

Clinton Lowery clintonhlowery at
Mon May 16 09:40:17 EDT 2005

I have a question --
I'm sure there's a way to do this, but I can't think of it.  In using <div> tags and javascript to have layers overlay one another, I'm getting the problem where the page is automatically as long as the longest <div> tag, regardless of which one is currently visible.  So what happens is that there is a much longer page than there needs to be.  Is there a javascript that sets the length of the visibile page to the length of the currently opened <div> or is there some other way (using CSS perhaps) to keep the page from becoming much longer than it should be?  
Any help would be appreciated.
Clinton Lowery
Integrated Library Systems
Jacksonville Public Library (FL)
The opinions expressed within are my own and JPL does not endorse them, nor would they wish to.

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